
Mr Hodges Wants to Build a Fence Updated

Mr Hodges Wants to Build a Fence

Photo Courtesy: Play a joke on/IMDb

After 31 seasons, it's no surprise that Fox's long-running cartoon The Simpsons has made plenty of history over the years. Throughout that time, Mr. Burns — easily the series' most despicable character — has committed all kinds of horrendous acts. From murder to environmental sabotage to man rights violations, naught is off-limits for this scourge of social club.

As the series inches e'er closer to 700 episodes, we're taking a look at the absolute worst things that Springfield Nuclear Ability Plant owner Charles Montgomery Burns has ever done. See if you concur with our choices!

Triggered a Financial Crisis past Raising Electricity Prices

Episode 10 of season 24 saw Mr. Burns raising the town's electricity prices. Although it might seem similar nothing out of the ordinary for a money-hungry homo like Charles Montgomery Burns, the backwash of his relatively ordinary human activity reached much, much farther.

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The episode, titled "A Examination Earlier Trying," showed that Mr. Burns' conclusion to raise prices really initiated a financial crisis that spread throughout Springfield. His greedy decision ultimately endangered the entire community, making electricity impossible to afford for pretty much everyone but Mr. Burns himself.

Stole Famous Artwork

Mr. Burns' well-nigh evil deeds take the potential to overshadow his smaller crimes, simply that doesn't mean that they aren't still crimes. Flavour 21, episode 17, titled "American History X-cellent," revealed that — in improver to everything else — Burns is also an art thief.

Photo Courtesy: Homer Simpson/YouTube

Despite his massive fortune (believed to exceed the i trillion dollar mark), Mr. Burns withal saw the demand to steal art masterpieces instead of paying fair prices for the creations. He eventually went to prison house for his actions, of course, but it didn't make up for the law-breaking.

Hit Bart with His Car

While he's certainly capable of some of the almost horrendous beliefs known to man, Mr. Burns isn't above even the most rudimentary wrongdoing. Episode 10 of season two, likewise known but as "Bart Gets Hit by a Car," followed a story that was exactly what it advertises itself to exist.

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While out driving, Monty smacked right into the Simpsons' son with his infamous vehicle. Anyone could have striking Bart with their car, but no one but Mr. Burns could feel aught remorse for the criminal act. It'south and then typically Burns, isn't it?

Barely Thanked the Person Who Saved His Life

At present, Mr. Burns might seem indestructible, but the truth is that the old man has withal seen his fair share of medical problems throughout the years. Season 2, episode 22 "Claret Feud" is the episode where Mr. Burns needed a life-saving transfusion.

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Only 12 episodes after hitting Bart, the male child was the one who gave Mr. Burns the donation he needed to alive another day. It's the kind of act that could have changed Burns' cold, evil center — but it didn't. All he did was send Bart a simple "Thank you."

Stole Christmas Presents from Springfield Residents

The residents of Springfield don't enquire for much. Representative of Heart America, the setting and people are designed to draw but nigh any suburb in whatsoever state in the country. The people of The Simpsons are cipher short of the epitome of America and its values. That's why it hurts to come across Mr. Burns do them so wrong.

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Episode ten of flavour 31 saw the nuclear baron stealing Christmas presents right off their porches. "Bobby, It's Common cold Outside" was definitely a low point, even for him. It was the Grinchiest thing he's always done.

Tried to Seal Homer in a Tomb

There'south nothing more frustrating than an incompetent co-worker or employee. This is a truth that Mr. Burns probably knows more than anyone. Even so, flavour 14, episode 15, titled "C.E. D'oh," showed the bossman going to new lows to deal with his most troubling worker.

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Information technology was a shocking visual: Mr. Burns, brick past brick, attempted to seal Homer Simpson in a crypt. Certain, Homer can definitely be a pain, just is encasing him in a tomb — while he'southward still live! — actually the best solution? Just fire the man, Burns. It's a super uncomplicated solution!

Tried to Bosom a Strike by Shutting Off Springfield'south Power

Union busting isn't allowed. It'southward role of the American worker'southward rights equally an employee of a visitor. If workers want to strike, they are allowed to strike. Of course, this would never stop someone like Mr. Burns from interfering, and flavor four, episode 17 proved it.

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Titled "Concluding Go out to Springfield," the episode highlighted the power plant employees' struggle to secure a dental plan and Mr. Burns' retaliative efforts. The nearly dastardly of these efforts was when the man close off the town'south power supply, potentially endangering thousands of civilians in the procedure.

Tried to Kill Bart and Grandfather Simpson

For whatever reason, 2 of the oldest Simpsons characters have always been engaged in the strangest sort of rivalry. Throughout the series' run, Mr. Montgomery Burns and Grandpa Abe Simpson have been seen fighting over the most ridiculous things. Somewhen, Burns had plenty and decided to take it a footstep farther.

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Flavor seven, episode 22 showed something that some fans never saw coming: an attempted murder. Let information technology be known that Raging Abe Simpson and His Grumbling Grandson had to fight for their lives in "The Curse of the Flying Hellfish," the episode where Mr. Burns tries to kill both Bart and Abe.

Blocked Out the Sunday

Before there was such a matter as Prestige TV and episode binging, The Simpsons had its viewers waiting on the edge of their seats for the next installment in shocking two-part episodes. Part one of the "Who Shot Mr. Burns?" in season half-dozen, episode 25 shows off one of the most unthinkable acts in Mr. Burns' history.

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To put information technology simply, the homo blocked out the sun. Drastic to keep a stranglehold on the town'south power supply, the wealthy man of affairs constructed a cartoonishly evil device to shield sunlight.

Tried to Brand Apparel from Puppies

Anybody knows the Walt Disney classic 101 Dalmatians and the intentions of the film's infamous villain Cruella de Vil (that cruel devil!) — to make a coat out of the coveted, spotted Dalmatian fur. Flavor 6, episode 20 of The Simpsons makes light of this desire by applying information technology to Mr. Burns.

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In "Two Dozen and One Greyhounds," Monty hoped to make clothing from greyhound puppy fur. As whatever Simpsons fan knows, greyhounds are very important to the titular family — their dog, Santa's Little Helper, is a greyhound.

Tried to Kill His Own Mother

As evidenced many times before, murder isn't across someone like Mr. Burns. In by seasons, the man has either attempted to kill — or has actually carried out a plot to kill — all kinds of people, either directly or indirectly with his actions equally head of the power constitute.

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Season seven, episode 17 saw him accept his deranged, murderous behavior to new lows. Titled "Homer the Smithers," the 1996 episode featured a scene where Mr. Burns actually attempted to murder his own female parent. The man is truly beyond any redemption.

Engineered Bioweapons

As the head of Springfield's nuclear power constitute, it'due south non surprising that someone as dastardly and vile as Mr. Charles Montgomery Burns would attempt to use that nuclear power for evil instead of skillful.

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Season seven, episode 8, titled "Mother Simpson," mainly focused on Homer's female parent Mona's life in the 1960s for a decent chunk of the episode, and Mr. Burns had little time to shine. However, he withal managed to manufacture and engineer biochemical weapons, much to the disgust and dismay of Mona Simpson and her environmentally witting group of friends.

Sexually Harassed Marge

At that place'due south no way to quantify the evils in this globe. Some are plainly worse than others on the surface, merely who's to say which crime is definitively the worst? Whatever the reply may be, it's more probable Mr. Burns has probably done it at some signal or some other.

Photograph Courtesy: Play a trick on/IMDb

Flavor iv, episode 7 saw Springfield's wealthiest resident sexually harassing Marge Simpson, which was low, even for him. "Marge Gets a Job" is a favorite episode of many Simpsons fans, merely you can be sure it's not cherished for this moment.

Intentionally Killed Endangered Ocean Animals

Every bit The Simpsons continues to march toward 700 episodes, information technology's safe to assume that well-nigh every type of main grapheme combination has occurred at this point. In fact, it's part of what makes the testify so enjoyable. When it comes to Mr. Burns, though, it means a cursed interaction for anyone matched up with the man.

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Episode 21 of flavour eight is one of the primeval instances of pairing up Mr. Burns and Lisa Simpson. In the episode, he created a net fabricated of plastic to trap all the endangered sea animals.

Crippled a Man with a Bumper Motorcar

In episode ten of season five, Simpsons viewers were treated to another glimpse of a immature Monty Burns. Still sporting his signature evil looks at this young age but still sporting a curly head of hair, Mini Mr. Burns was as dangerous as his adult cocky.

Photo Courtesy: John Doe/YouTube

"$pringfield (Or, How I Learned to End Worrying and Honey Legalized Gambling)" isn't what y'all'd call a Mr. Burns-centric episode, but he had a revealing scene that flashed back to when he was young. In information technology, niggling Burns nailed an Irish laborer with his bumper car.

Dumped Radioactive waste in the Park

"Marge vs. The Monorail" is easily 1 of the most iconic episodes of The Simpsons. Information technology'due south revered by fifty-fifty the most casual fans, praised for encapsulating everything that makes the evidence so meaning. As such, that means the episode featured a trivial glimpse of Mr. Burns' evil beliefs.

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As the title suggests, flavour four, episode 12 spent most of its fourth dimension focusing on Marge. Withal, in that location's a small function featuring Burns and Smithers sneakily trying to dispose of some nuclear waste material in Lake Springfield. The man has no limits.

Abandoned His Family

Judging by Mr. Burns' actions in season vii, episode 17, likewise known every bit the episode where the mogul tried to kill his mom, information technology might not be too shocking to learn that the man abandoned his family equally a boy. For those watching the evidence in real time, though, the murder attempt was still 2 seasons away.

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Season 5, episode four, titled "Rosebud," has a principal plot that deals with Mr. Burns yearning for his childhood teddy deport. This longing for his younger years ultimately resulted in the revealing flashback from his earlier life.

Stole Oil from Springfield Elementary

After the Treehouse of Horror episodes, it seems safe to say that the "Who Shot Mr. Burns?" two-parter is the nigh recognizable and prolific thing even the most inexperienced Simpsons viewers are familiar with. For this reason, Mr. Burns' bad deeds in these two episodes are probably his most notable.

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After blocking out the sun in "Part I," Mr. Burns is shown stealing oil from Springfield Elementary Schoolhouse in "Part Two." (Expect a 2d. What is an unproblematic school doing with oil in the first place? All-time non to think about it too much.)

Stole a Trillion Dollar Bill

In that location's no such thing as a trillion dollar bill. That much is definitely true. Thankfully, though, The Simpsons is just a drawing. For this reason, Mr. Burns is able to take a trillion dollar bill from the U.S. government as if it was simply a Benjamin.

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Season nine, episode twenty, dubbed "The Problem with Trillions," shows Mr. Burns' experience fighting in World War II. When President Truman hoped to send some monetary relief over to Europe, he tasked a immature airplane pilot named Monty Burns with the chore of delivering it. Naturally, he stole information technology.

Built a Stadium on a Nature Reserve

Initially framed equally an episode near basketball, fans of The Simpsons should know that about episodes are likely to take a drastic turn into a completely different story at some signal. That'due south exactly what happens in season 20, episode eight, "The Burns and the Bees."

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Mr. Burns wanted to requite his newly caused basketball team a nice habitation, so he planned to build a nifty stadium for them. The problem? His construction was smack-dab on top of a nature reserve for endangered bees. He doesn't care, though. Why would he?

Abandoned His Illegitimate Son

Just a flavor earlier, a immature Mr. Burns was depicted leaving his entire family without warning, so by the time season eight, episode four "Burns, Baby Burns" rolled around, you would have thought viewers wouldn't have been surprised when he did the aforementioned thing over again. You would exist wrong.

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That'southward because Burns takes information technology a step further in the episode. He abased his ain illegitimate son simply because he doesn't like him. The man has no heart, clearly. That's the joke, though — Mr. Burns actually doesn't have any limits to his vast treachery.

Robbed Springfield of Costless Voice communication by Purchasing All the Newspapers

At that place is a segment of Simpsons fans who completely disregard whatever belatedly-flavour episodes because they don't consider them to be as high-quality as the earlier installments. (Substantially, annihilation around or after The Simpsons Movie is off-limits to them.)

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This decision to terminate watching robs them of some of the worst Mr. Burns moments, though. Season 15, episode 22, titled "Fraudcast News," saw the nuclear power businesswoman snatching up all the publications in Springfield because he didn't like the way they talked near him. This effectively robbed all Springfield residents of their Ramble right to freedom of the press.

Degraded the Simpsons in Commutation for Homer's Heighten

At that place have been plenty of memorable fights throughout Simpsons history. With more than than 250 hours of content already created, this shouldn't be surprising. Season 12, episode v included one of the more memorable battles. Called "Homer vs. Dignity," this one wasn't a physical fight — information technology was a battle of wits.

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When Homer asked his dominate for a heighten, he agreed to give him one on one condition: Homer had to exercise all his bidding. Burns essentially demoralized and demeaned his employee and his family unit for his own sick enjoyment. Information technology was truly demented behavior.

Stole Granddad Simpson'south Girlfriend

Grandpa Abe Simpson and Charles Montgomery Burns will likely never settle their differences. Information technology's been a rivalry that has lasted the entire run of The Simpsons, which means that they demand to go along it up for the sake of the show's self-contained nature. Season five, episode 21 showcased one of their more legendary disputes.

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In an episode titled "Lady Bouvier'south Lover," Burns did something that was simply plain wrong: he stole Gramps's girlfriend (who merely so happened to be Marge Simpson's mother). Alas, as they say, all'due south fair in beloved and war.

Took Away His Employees' Healthcare

What in the world does Mr. Burns accept to do with Apu's healthcare? Decidedly, there's not really whatever connection at all at that place. However, Apu is Homer's friend, and Homer works for Mr. Burns. That's why the two are seen teaming up when Mr. Burns decides to rob his employees of their prescription drug coverage.

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Flavor xvi, episode six, titled "Midnight RX," followed Homer, Apu, Ned and Grandpa as they headed into Canada to get medicine. Mr. Burns was simply marginally involved, but his activeness was quite significant: He canceled their coverage.

Attempted to Nuke the Amazon Rainforest

The link between Homer'southward mom, Mona, and the caput honcho of Springfield's nuclear power plant is quite articulate. As someone who is even more environmentally conscious than her granddaughter, Lisa, Mona would leap at whatever opportunity to get back at Burns for all his damage to the earth.

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In Season 19, episode 19, she finally got her take a chance. Titled "Mona Leaves-a," this episode featured Mr. Burns' plans to shoot nuclear waste at the Amazon Rainforest in an attempt to dispose of it for good. It's the kind of reprehensible thing he is famous for doing.

Robbed His Employees of Food

Mr. Burns has taken a lot from his employees throughout the years. From healthcare to prescription drugs to basic safety procedures, the man never ceases to rob the less fortunate of the things they need to have a decent life for themselves. In season 21, episode 10, he stooped to an all-fourth dimension low.

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Also known equally "Once Upon a Fourth dimension in Springfield," this belatedly-run episode revolved around Mr. Burns' executive decision to cutting costs and end providing meals to his employees. Naturally, Homer and his friends had a problem with this.

Started Fracking in Springfield

Fracking is happening all over the world. Yet, many countries forbid information technology in or around their territories because of the potential harm this exercise tends to have on the surrounding environment, specifically the water supplies.

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Season 26, episode five fabricated a comment on this oil extraction process in the most Simpsons-y mode possible. Titled "Opposites A-Frack," the episode tracked the implications of Mr. Burns' determination to frack in Springfield. Every bit one might take been able to surmise, the aftermath wasn't expert at all. It's non like Mr. Burns cared, though.

Tried to Pull the Plug on Homer

In the 30 years since The Simpsons premiered, just well-nigh every member of the family unit — and fifty-fifty their extended group of friends and family — have been seriously injured in some way, shape or form. Even so, information technology seems, no one has been hurt as frequently or as severely every bit Homer.

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An early entry in the series, season four, episode xviii, mainly focused on clips from earlier episodes. There was yet a main plotline, though, and it involved Homer on life support. Leave information technology to Burns to try to pull the plug during the episode.

Attempted to Cover Upward Crimes by Running for Mayor

While Mr. Monty Burns seemingly feeds off corruption and greed, no i seemed to think he would take all that nastiness and attempt to score a position of college power with it. They should have seen information technology coming. Season ii, episode iv followed Burns as he attempted to run for mayor — but there was more to information technology than that.

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You see, Mr. Burns had manifestly committed all kinds of serious and despicable crimes — not just on an American level, but on a global calibration. To try and comprehend it all up, he wanted to take Quimby'south chore.

Mr Hodges Wants to Build a Fence

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