
J&j Fish on Central and Madison Updated

J&j Fish on Central and Madison

More than one-half the world's population calls the Asia Pacific region home—and almost 80% of that population doesn't have access to affordable healthcare, according to estimates from the Un (UN).

In fact, healthcare demand already outstrips supply in the area. And that gap will proceed to abound, in line with a rapidly aging population, rising eye class, shortage of qualified healthcare workers and a steadily increasing disease burden.

As the world's largest healthcare company, Johnson & Johnson believes it has an opportunity—and a responsibleness—to tackle these challenges head-on and offer more patients, customers and consumers more accessible, affordable, locally relevant and impactful products and solutions.

Today, Johnson & Johnson celebrates the official opening of its new Asia Pacific headquarters in Singapore, which will assistance the company accomplish that vision and reimagine the future of healthcare in the region.

The new regional headquarters brings together more than 1,400 employees from our pharmaceutical, medical devices and consumer businesses.

Located in Singapore's Science Park, the circuitous will house 3 new cardinal facilities—a Leadership Lab, a Design Lab and a Johnson & Johnson Human Performance Institute—that will spur innovative ways of working in the region and drive deeper collaboration with partners across the entire healthcare ecosystem, including government bodies, healthcare agencies and academic institutions.

Developing Healthcare Leaders of the Future

The Johnson & Johnson Leadership Lab is a state-of-the-fine art training facility aimed at developing healthcare leaders who have the capability and skills required to thrive in a time of unparalleled complexity and modify.

As Johnson & Johnson'southward commencement international Leadership Lab, it volition serve as a think tank for innovation, research, commutation and dialogue that volition facilitate leaders to navigate through even the toughest challenges in their careers.

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With an appetite to deliver 200 classes to 4,000 Asian leaders annually both on-site and virtually, the Leadership Lab will be an ideal platform for people to drive innovative solutions for the future of healthcare everywhere.

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The Lab will besides open its doors to the wider community of healthcare leaders in Singapore and the region, driving collaborative connections with universities, research groups, governments and healthcare organizations.

With an ambition to deliver 200 classes to 4,000 Asian leaders annually both on-site and virtually, the Lab will exist an ideal platform for people to co-create and drive innovative solutions for the time to come of healthcare everywhere.

Cultivating a Good for you Workforce

Workplace stress is on the rising in Asia, and in response to the growing demand for employee health and well-beingness programs, the Singapore headquarters will house the Asia Pacific branch of the Johnson & Johnson Man Performance Found—the first such facility outside of the Usa.

Based on over 30 years of proprietary enquiry and work with meridian performers, including Olympic gold medalists and Fortune 500 CEOs, the Human Performance Establish will deliver science-based energy management training to assist individuals, teams and organizations in Singapore and across the region accomplish sustained high performance.

The holistic program is grounded in the tenets of performance psychology, exercise physiology and nutrition, and aims to heave not just productivity at work but as well personal performance and quality of life.

The Singapore Found volition be supported by an elite group of coaches who will develop content customized for the Asia Pacific region with the hopes of improving the health and performance of more than 150,000 people by 2020.

Designing the All-time Products

The Singapore headquarters will also be habitation to Johnson & Johnson's showtime Pattern Lab outside New York Metropolis. Fueled by local insights and inquiry, the Lab will focus primarily on creating products and solutions that will spur growth of a regional pipeline of products designed in Asia Pacific for both the region and the entire globe.

For more than than 130 years, Johnson & Johnson has been unwavering in its relentless pursuit of innovative ideas and solutions that can positively bear on the health of people across the globe. Staying true to our company Credo, our new regional hub volition extend our existing capabilities, eternalize our scientific strength and forge new collaborations that will change the trajectory of healthcare for all Asia Pacific peoples.

Contributors: Company Grouping Chairman for Asia Pacific, Pharmaceuticals Ong Ai Hua; Visitor Group Chairman for Asia Pacific, Medical Devices Vladimir Makatsaria; and Company Grouping Chairman for Asia Pacific, Consumer Thibaut Mongon

J&j Fish on Central and Madison

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